Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I like the NANNIES

I don't know about most moms but I like talking to the nannies at the park most of them are funny and charming. They are also always willing to help. My daughter would just cry all the time when she was about two to three months. One suggestion from a nanny was to not drink alot of juice and drink more water and it help alot. I think sometimes they get a bad wrap moms just think about how hard it is for you at home with the kids and some how these women are able to do it and cook and clean. I think good help is lucky to find so be greatful for the nannies who love your children like they are your own. And one more thing stop bringing nannies with you to shop or to the park and you only have one kid that is just crazy. You can't take your one kid to the park by yourself sorry but that looks crazy.

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